Spruce Pine Public Library Board
Date of Appointment
Wayne Peight12/11/2023
Nancy Burleson12/13/1999
Dale Blevins5/23/2011
Luther Stroup5/24/2004
Tiffany English7/22/2013
Julia Kind5/9/2022
SPPL local board is an advisory board whose members are recommended to serve three years.
Spruce Pine Town Council has one representative on this board. Appointments are recommended by the regional director.
Currently one vacancy. It is standard practice for local board members to stay on the library board if they have interest and great advocacy for the library.
Spruce Pine Planning and Zoning Board
Ken Borders7/25/2011
Tommy Westall2/27/2006
Cassandra Horton2022
Gary Moore1/13/2003
Zan Sistare5/13/2019
Consists of five members appointed by the Spruce Pine Town Council with a three year term.
It is standard practice for board members to remain on the board until they request to step down.
Meet as needed. Meetings dates and times are posted on the front door at town hall.
Spruce Pine Zoning Board of Adjustment
(2 vacancies)
Holt Whitson2022
David Hughes7/12/2021
Chase Thomas7/12/2021
Consists of five members appointed by the Spruce Pine Town Council with a three year term.
It is standard practice for board members to remain on the board until they request to step down.
Meet as needed. Meetings dates and times are posted on the front door at town hall.
Spruce Pine ABC Board
Matt Miller1/8/2024
Mac Robinson6/1/2020
Darlene Butler1/23/2023
Consists of three members appointed by the Spruce Pine Town Council with a three year term.
Meeting schedule posted at ABC Store.
Appearance Standards Committee
Darlene Butler6/14/2021
Rocky Buchanan6/14/2021
Zan Sistare6/14/2021
Jeff Harding6/14/2021
Janean Long6/14/2021
Beth Holmes6/14/2021
Gregg Henline6/14/2021
Appointed by Town Council. Meet as needed.

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